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How To Use And Introduce The Spin Column

Centrifuge tube for Disposable Medical Consumables is a tubular sample container that can be equipped with a sealed cap or a gland. It can be used as a container to hold something. It can also be used as a reaction vessel (not violent and not corrosive).

Spin column chromatography is a fast chromatography method that puts a small chromatography column in a centrifuge tube and uses centrifugal force instead of gravity to perform a small amount of sample. Commonly used in gel filtration desalination and adsorption chromatography of small samples. Column chromatography technology, also known as column chromatography technology, the main principle is to separate the components after multiple repeated distributions according to the different distribution coefficients of each component in the sample mixture in the stationary phase and the mobile phase

In the chromatography operation, the insoluble matrix is first filled in the cylindrical tube to form a stationary phase. The sample is added to the Spin Column, eluted with a special solvent, and the solvent forms the mobile phase. During the elution of the sample from the column, according to the different partition coefficients of each component in the sample mixture in the stationary phase and the mobile phase, the components are separated after repeated partitioning.